Policy Brief: Integrating values-based approaches into heritage management

In this policy brief, we present a series of recommendations for configuring sustainable heritage preservation strategies based on our understanding of how historical urban transformations could be a source of inclusive discourses and narratives within what has been called the "Deep City." The promotion of multistakeholder dialogue scenarios may serve to enable decision makers to better understand the multifaceted "deep history" of a place through shared social and cultural values.

This proposal intends to integrate the analysis of urban transformations through mapping different uses and intersectional voices to contribute to boosting social sustainability actions. The ‘deep cities’ approach for historical urban areas implies a diversity of values which may be in conflict.

For several months, we have tried to demonstrate with empirical research the operationalization of a plural vision of heritage for the design of desirable and sustainable cities. The objective was to develop a series of tools that enabled reflexive and deliberative management processes in the meantime that enhanced social inclusion through strategies of knowledge co-production and the discovery of shared values associated with a temporary and physically fragmented heritage.

The main objective of this policy brief is to make several recommendations to heritage managers including policymakers, heritage officers, and planners, at national, sub-national and local levels of government.

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