Work Packages


Research methodology: The project building blocks


The DEEP CITIES (CURBATHERI)-project is designed in seven work-packages (WP). Five WPs (from 1-5) respond to the research questions and are led by each partner institution. Two WP (6 and 7) are charged with the managerial and dissemination logistics of the research.


WP1 - Concepts
WP1 sets the theoretical arguments that will guide the research at the different stages of analysis.

Deep Cities Theory


WP2 - Observatories
WP2 identifies and analyses factors enabling or challenging the integration of participative approaches in urban planning practices across 4 case studies serving at this stage as ‘Observatories’.

System Dynamics tool


WP3 - Laboratories
WP3 Develops further lessons learned from the observatory stage and explores participative methods (face-to-face and digital) previously identified as relevant in the case studies, which at this stage serve as ‘Laboratories’.

Participatory Methods


WP4 - Management Toolbox
WP4 applies lessons learned in previous WPs to assemble a digital toolbox that facilitates participatory and people-centred methods extracted from experience in four European case studies.

Light Archaeology Tool


WP5 - Evaluation and Recommendations
WP5 draws evaluations and recommendations as a conclusory stage.

Evaluation Tool


Research structure
Research structure of CURBATHERI with seven workpacages.



Wps interactions
Interaction levels between WP2, WP3 and WP4


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