Other related methodologies

Systems Dynamics Modelling (see the tool) simply means the changing behaviour of systems, which can be used in computer modelling for also simulating behaviour of large complex systems. Systems Dynamics Modelling simulates or conceptualizes complex relatively constant over time structures and dynamic processes of change (ibid.:31). Systems Dynamics Modelling can be used both in retrospective analysis for understanding historical changes and for prediction modelling and scenario analysis on possibly future changes. We can distinguish even three System Dynamic approaches, from less intensive towards a deeper involvement of participation: Group model building (GMB), participatory system dynamics modelling (PSDM), and community‐based system dynamics (CBSD).

Grounded Theory resonates with the methodological approaches on assembling regeneration, which puts to ground the importance to starting from empirical detail. A focus on how to implement participatory approaches in heritage-led urban regeneration will lead our attention to ‘Constructivist Grounded Theory’, which in short defines a systematic methodology where the construction of hypotheses and theories ‘emerge’ from experience, observations, and practices (inductive reasoning) of for instance the collecting and analysis of qualitative data. Grounded theory (or methodology) goes from data to defining theory of generalized knowledge, that for instance could be social variation in systemic behaviour when defining the relationship of built urban environments and social sustainability (e.g., quality of urban life).

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