
According to recent studies on participatory urban planning, the crowdsourcing method seemed to be a suitable tool to unveil what values the citizens associate with the urban environment they interact with. Crowdsourcing implies a crowd, in this case an urban one, and the accomplishment of a task to solve a problem, here understanding what heritage preserves through time. To solve this, it is important to gather not just the stakeholders' views but also the non-expert local knowledge, bridging the gap between planners and citizens.


The main objectives for the Deep Cities project's crowdsourcing were creating some apps able to collect these values and local knowledge, as place-based memories, related to the case studiies' area, and to enhance participation in the co-design of these urban space. Furthermore, we aimed to:

  1. encourage an intergenerational use of the apps;
  2. engage young people in urban planning;
  3. measure the impact of urban changes on urban communities (collecting also both positive and negative opinions);
  4. assessing the knowledge of Canongate's history and heritage.


Two apps have been developed:

Your City, Your Place
Your City, Your Place for YoungScot



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