How to build the Millennium Square of your area


Before you start - what is needed?


Define the topographic area

Define clearly the topographic area you would like to analyse.


Mao of San Donato Area, Novoli, Florence
San Donato area in Novoli, Florence © University of Florence

Collect historical data about the area and its built environment

(existing archaeological surveys and reports, built heritage assessments, etc)        


Detail pf San Donato monastery from a map of the “Capitani di Parte Guelfa” dated 1737-1765 © CASTORE
Detail pf San Donato monastery from a map of the “Capitani di Parte Guelfa” dated 1737-1765 © CASTORE

Collect photos of the area and its built environment

(photographic archives: historical, contemporary… everything useful for the understanding of the area)


The FIAT factory in Novoli before the demolition © l'Unità

Collect cartography and aerial-orthographic photography of the area for the GIS development

  • Historical cartography (Raster) - Map with geometric references!
  • Contemporary cartography (Raster)
  • Aerial-orthographic photography (e.g. RAF is perfect)
  • Spatial dataset (Vector)
   Different cartographic layers with the limits of the case study area in San Donato   Different cartographic layers with the limits of the case study area in San Donato

  1. Develop the GIS of your area
  2. Create the MSD Units' Database
  3. Draw the Millennium Square Diagram


Develop the GIS of your area


Data integration in GIS - map in GIS
Develop the GIS of the area, integrating all the dataset you have, and building time series. These are definite time phases, levels that consist of primary sources such as cartography records with geometric references.
map with units sample
Identify in each level (time phase) the reference Units, Topographic Unit or an Architectural Complex.
soil occupation in percentage map
Calculate the percentage of soil occupation of the units in each level.

Create the MSD Units' Database


A crucial step in building the Millennium Square Diagram is to record all the data related to the units identified in the GIS time series.

Table of Units template
You can create your own table or download the MSD Units Sheet in the Download Area of this tool.


Crucial units to record

  1. Number and Name
  2. Type. Positive or Negative (demolition)
  3. Land Use. Use one of these categories: religious, residential/retail, industrial, open area, steet/square, rural, education, institutional, military, health.
  4. Uni Start and End Date. You need to research and record both primary and secondary sources dates.
  5. Percentage of Soil occupation

Draw the Millennium Square Diagram

forthcoming - We are developing an application that will draw the Millennium Square Diagram. STAY TUNED.


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