Deep Cities from a Transatlantic Perspective: A Trio of Midwestern Sites

Deep Cities from a Transatlantic Perspective: A Trio of Midwestern Sites

By Ted Grevstad-Nordbrock


Engaging diverse communities through creative practices

Engaging diverse communities through creative practices

By Kalliopi Fouseki, Professor in Sustainable Heritage Management at the UCL Institute for Sustainable Heritage


Urban heritage in transformation: from industry to property pressures in L’Hospitalet

Urban heritage in transformation: from industry to property pressures in L’Hospitalet

By María Gabriela Navas Perrone, University of Barcelona and Margarita Díaz-Andreu, University of Barcelona/ICREA


Integrating society through evaluation processes: the Deep Cities project Barcelona workshop

Integrating society through evaluation processes: the Deep Cities project Barcelona workshop

By Margarita Díaz-Andreu, Universitat de Barcelona/ICREA and María Gabriela Navas Perrone, Universitat de Barcelona


Heritage as architectonic concept

Heritage as architectonic concept

By Andreas Heier, Senior Landscape Architect, Snøhetta


A periphery in transformationand a hidden heritage. The case study of the San Donato neighbourhood in Florence.

A periphery in transformationand a hidden heritage. The case study of the San Donato neighbourhood in Florence.

By Andrea Biondi, Research Fellow on the JPI Deep Cities project, University of Florence


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