Deep Cities - Curbatheri
Curating Sustainable URBAn Transformations through HERItage


Historical transformation is a heritage value.
We believe that the deep historic continuity in the city can and should link to its needs for multiple changes, ensuring that these changes are made by and for the people.
That's why it's essential to understand the values people attach to the deep city, focusing not only on what we can see, but also on what we can feel, discover, uncover and not see but experience.
This is the Deep Cities Toolbox.

The Deep Cities toolbox is a unique and integrated suite of methods to enable public authorities, planners and heritage professionals to map analyse and embrace heritage as an active driver in the urban regeneration process.

We take into account the spatial, cultural, historic and other heritage dimensions over time in order to indicate the significance of studying understanding and creatively incorporating the temporal layers of the city into its multiple and complex social-spatial dimensions.

The Deep Cities Toolbox provides practical guidance to cope with five key challenges in curating urban transformations through heritage:

  • How do I implement the Deep Cities Approach?
  • How do I map the material changes in time and space?
  • How do I assess the social values associated with the deep city?
  • How do I monitor and evaluate the social interactions of my project?
  • How do I unpack the complex urban heritage transformation dynamics?


Deep Cities from a Transatlantic Perspective: A Trio of Midwestern Sites.

Deep Cities from a Transatlantic Perspective: A Trio of Midwestern Sites. By Ted Grevstad-Nordbrock

Engaging diverse communities through creative practices.

Engaging diverse communities through creative practices. By Kalliopi Fouseki, Professor in Sustainable Heritage Management at the UCL Institute for Sustainable Heritage

Urban heritage in transformation: from industry to property pressures in L’Hospitalet.

Urban heritage in transformation: from industry to property pressures in L’Hospitalet. By María Gabriela Navas Perrone, University of Barcelona and Margarita Díaz-Andreu, University of Barcelona/ICREA

Integrating society through evaluation processes: the Deep Cities project Barcelona workshop.

Integrating society through evaluation processes: the Deep Cities project Barcelona workshop. By Margarita Díaz-Andreu, Universitat de Barcelona/ICREA and María Gabriela Navas Perrone, Universitat de Barcelona


logo NIKU - Norsk institutt for kulturminneforskninglogo UCL - The Bartlett Institute for Sustainable Heritagelogo The University of Edinburghlogo University of Stirlinglogo SAGAS - Universita degli Studi Firenzelogo Universitat de Barcelona


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