The Deep Cities – Curbatheri project and the collaboration with the Sassetti-Peruzzi High School in Novoli, Florence. Knowledge and participation of the youngest for the historical and social mapping of the territory

By Andrea Biondi, The University of Florence


Florence: memories, needs and urban development. A case study from the 19th century

By Andrea Biondi, Research Fellow on the JPI Deep Cities project, University of Florence



By Kalliopi Fouseki, Professor in Sustainable Heritage Management at the UCL Institute for Sustainable Heritage (ISHI


Cultural Heritage and its important contribution to sustainable development.

The Directorate for Cultural Heritage is an Associate Partner for the Deep Cities project in Norway. Here, Special Advisor at the Directorate Marit Huuse writes about the importance developing our historic urban environments.


#Archaeology #DeepCities #CallforPapers #EAA2021 #WideningHorizons


A paralell case study in Barcelona

DEEP CITIES: Barcelona’s parallel-local case study: Changes and transformations in the town of L’Hospitalet de Llobregat


Fragmented Heritage: Cities are constantly changing, leaving waste from the past. Can we preserve this waste as a heritage value?

By Torgrim Sneve Guttormsen, The Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research (NIKU).  


On Instagram? We want your deep cities photos!

How can a city’s historical fragments become driving force of urban development? Instagram us your answers. In all cities you have fragments and layers of the past, it could be fragments from buildings, old neighborhoods, or abandoned factories.


The Barcelona Case

Fabra I Coats Factory and the Sant Andreu de Palomar Neighbourhood: The Sant Andreu district occupies the north and northeast of the so-called “Barcelona Plain” (Pla de Barcelona in Catalan), outside the former walled area of the city and bordered by the River Besòs on its westernmost edge.


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